Based on the fact that I don't shave for most of the winter, it should come as no surprise that I've never had my body waxed. Well, I can't quite say never. There was the one time when I tried to wax at home. I heated the tub in the microwave, rubbed the warmed wax onto my legs with a small spatula, applied the white strips and yanked. Needless to say the pain and ingrown hairs did not beg for a repeat experience.
I don't know why waxing never became a part of my life. I grew up by the beach and loved to be in the water. But at the age of 11 my mother gave me a razor and some simple instructions and that was the end of my hair removal training.
So, with my general lack of waxing knowledge, I was really surprised to recently learn that women get themselves waxed to deliver their babies They want to be presentable and tidy for the doctors and nurses.
I can't believe I've been alive for so many years, read so many women's magazines and yet I'm still surprised by all the things women do to be beautiful. I know all about the hours at the hair salon and the gym, the diets, and the endless struggles to be in fashion. But now there's this too!
What's next, tweezing before an oil change?