There are several shows that I am embarrassed to admit that I watch, but the Lying Game is at the top of the list. There are twins separated at birth, murder, lying and a super hot guy. Thank god I"m only old enough to be his older sister, not his mother!
I know I like the show because it's about twins finding each other. I was a lonely kid and I frequently imagined that I had a twin sister. I can't remember my back story as to why my mother gave her away, but as far as I was concerned and no matter how much she protested, I knew she did. And I always wanted to go away to summer camp, hoping that we would find each other like the sisters in The Parent Trap
Now maybe I"m showing my age by the fact I prefer the original Haley Mills movie, rather than the Lindsay Lohan remake, but really there is no comparison Whenever I hear Let's Get Together, which isn't often, I still smile.
My missing twin fantasy was reinforced when, at 9 years old, I read the book Lisa and Lottie. This book, written by Erich Kaster in 1949, was the inspiration for the film adaptations. I didn't know that at the time, only that everywhere I turned twins were separated, so I should keep looking for mine.
Quite some time has come to pass and I have yet to find my missing twin. Maybe it's because I haven't been to summer camp since 1985. But until I find her, I'm going to live through the exciting adventures of reconnected twins Emma and Sutton, who both get to kiss Ethan Whitehorse.
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