Thursday, March 21, 2013

Scramble with Friends addiction

At first I only played Scramble with Friends, against friends.  I had one or two games going at a time.  Then, after my confidence (aka... addiction) had grown, I branched out and started to play random people. 

Over that past few months, Scramble has had a few updates and now it offers a weekly challenge, a weekly leader board, and options for choosing a players against the rankings list.  And that's when the real problem kicked in.  When I could see my ranking, I felt compelled to be at the top!  I started to play bunches of games at once.

For a while I held a pretty good position, but then I slowly started to drop. How could I compete against Purpleshakiss and Allen Tran81?  Their scores are nearly double mine!

My family started to be concerned with the amount of time I spent playing phone games.  The "excellent" and "genius" sounds were mocked from the other room.  My children asked for me to put my phone down and walk away.

I've promised to lessen my obsessive playing.  I still salivate like Pavlov's dogs each time I get a notification that it's my turn, but I"m trying to come to terms with the fact that unless I cheat, I will not be in the coveted #1 position.  I will have to be OK with being in the Top 2% globally, in pathetic spot 22.


  1. Do you have an ipad? Then you can get even more addicted with the bigger screen!

  2. I have a kindle, but I like that I can carry it around on my phone and play whenever it goes off. Seriously, I have a problem. :)
