Wednesday, March 6, 2013


 A few weeks ago I had the flu.  I felt like crap, didn't eat much, and lost a few pounds!  I have a love hate relationship with the flu.  I don't like feeling so awful, but I really love losing weight without working on it!  With summer and my birthday around the corner, I was determined to keep those extra pounds off.

 Then, those mean little girls started selling their cookies.  Those terrible girls with their sweet voices and smiles, selling those hard to resist Girl Scout Cookies in front of every store.

One box of Tagalongs has 15 cookies, I think I ate half before I got home.   Something about peanut butter and chocolate makes me go a little crazy.

Once I get started, I loose all discipline   I throw any diet out the window and completely start binging on sweets.  I have moved on to Birthday Cake Oreo cookies and adding chocolate chips to my morning yogurt.

Why is it that when we are so close to reaching a goal we sabotage ourselves?  Are we afraid of success?  I was just pounds away from a decent summer body and now I"m soft in the middle...just like those terribly yummy tagalongs.


  1. I agree about the flu and I'm sure others do too. Have you seen The Devil Wears Prada? I love when the one girl says, "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight".

    I think many people are afraid of success. Not sure if this applies to you though. Some people worry about what happens if they get to their goal weight and then they still are not happy. Then they have to deal with the real problems rather than blaming it on their weight.

    I do well for a while then get complacent thinking make it up or cheat and still get by. My body is not forgiving at all these days though.

  2. I'd say around 35 my body started fighting back. I loved my 20's when I could think about dieting and I would start to loose weight. Now exercise, diet and positive thoughts don't have much impact.
